![Plasmata, [melter], and 2 Forks discuss their Imperfect Waves Tour](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/64834c6d49a0cf2c11cd90f7/c018cef9-f08b-4f59-b180-4450f886c025/Plasmata+Live+-+Photo+by+Savage+Ladies+of+Metal.jpg)
Plasmata, [melter], and 2 Forks discuss their Imperfect Waves Tour
Auxiliary Magazine chatted with Plasmata, [melter], and 2 Forks about their upcoming Imperfect Waves Tour, their gothic rock and industrial sounds, and of all topics world domination, which was deemed, “a bad idea.” UTM Music Group and the Imperfect Waves Tour supported the production of the Fall 2024 Issue through their advertisements and we give them our thanks.

Aurat Redefines Representation in Dark Music
An Auxiliary Magazine interview the dark post-punk band Aurat, one of the artists we interviewed for our Summer 2020 Issue Emerging band lineup. For our Emerging feature, we checked in with a few bands we think have a unique voice in the musical landscape to inspire a new generation of concert-goers and record-buyers alike.

Totenwald is Punk for a New Cold World
An Auxiliary Magazine interview with the dark punk band Totenwald, one of the artists we interviewed for our Spring 2020 Issue Emerging band lineup. For our Emerging feature, we checked in with a few bands we think have a unique voice in the musical landscape to inspire a new generation of concert-goers and record-buyers alike.